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ADS Logistic Services USA handling slip sheeted glassware

ADS Logistic Services prides itself on servicing some of the largest retailers in the United States and the company has been ranked as one of the Top 100 3pl providers in the country for seven consecutive years. Achieving and maintaining this elite status requires plenty of forward-thinking along with the implementation of tangible innovations.

One such example is the company’s recent directive to reduce operational costs relating to material handling within their receiving department. Joe Phillips, Director of Operations said, “receiving bulk loaded containers, completely packed with cases of glassware takes several workers a couple hours to palletize. It’s very time consuming and expensive”. This situation drove Phillips to investigate alternative handling methods. He was familiar with hydraulic push-pullattachments however, the goods were not all on slip sheets nor did he want to invest in a dedicated forklift to accommodate such an attachment. The same held true for a carton-clamp. Given the nature of the goods, (glassware), and the fashion in which they were loaded into the container, such a device simply wouldn’t work.


An internet search quickly lead Phillips to MSE-Forks’ innovative “RollerForks®”. Anxious to learn more, he contacted Reachable Solutions, the US distributor for MSE-Forks and within days of his initial inquiry, they were able to make arrangements for an on-site demo and first hand evaluation. “Our operators loved them”, Phillips said, “we’re now off-loading complete container loads in about 30-45 minutes time with just one operator! This is a big savings not to mention, it has also helped us reduce physical safety risks”.

ADS Logistic Services (ADS)

ADS Logistic Services (ADS), is a privately held third party Logistics Company headquartered in New Jersey. Established in 1994 by a group of dedicated logistics professionals who were at the forefront of supply chain innovation, ADS continues to be a showcase operation. ADS services national retailers and manufacturers across a wide variety of product lines. With more than 1.5 million square feet of prime warehousing space in Edison, New Jersey, Gaffney, South Carolina, and Oakland, California, ADS puts companies’ just minutes from ports of entry and within a day’s drive of 95% of the U.S. population.

Euro-Pallet Handling
KOOI® ReachForks
One-Sided (un)loading

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