Als vooruitstrevend bedrijf binnen de Nederlandse maakindustrie hebben we onze online uitstraling een moderne en frisse update gegeven. Hoewel nog niet alle pagina's en teksten volledig zijn ingevuld, konden we niet langer wachten om onze nieuwe website met u te delen. Neem alvast een kijkje en ontdek wat we te bieden hebben!
Meijer Group Meijer Metal Meijer Handling Solutions Meijer Museum
New deep drilling machines for MSE-Forks

By introducing two new deep drilling machines MSE-Forks replaced all ‘old’ deep drilling machines that were made under our own supervision ten years ago. We now own a total of 8 state of the art deep drilling machines, two of which are equipped with a machining centre.

All machines are controlled by a Siemens operating system and by use of this system we can extract much more information from the drilling process, so that this process can be optimised even further. ‘By installing these last two new machines the takt times do not change, but extra actions and modifications between machines are cancelled, which greatly improves the production flow,’ says CEO Hendrik Meijer. In addition, we have become much more flexible because instead of one spindle machine we now have two single-spindle machines. Because of that we can now make any drilling we want simultaneously, and there is always a back up machine in case of malfunction!

Euro-Pallet Handling
KOOI® ReachForks
One-Sided (un)loading

We werken samen met en voor leidende bedrijven in
machinebouw, assemblage en nog meer: