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case studies

Our case studies

Euro-Pallet Handling
KOOI® ReachForks
One-Sided (un)loading

Fork Mounted Push Pull used by Keter Plastics

Fork mounted Push Pull used by Keter Plastics KETER GROUP The Keter Group is one of the world’s leading manufacturers and marketers of plastic consumer products, and a global trendsetter…

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Stationary Pallet Changer: The ultimate test for transferring octabins

Stationary pallet changer: The ultimate test for transferring octabins Our latest video demonstrates how an octabin filled with liquid is quickly and easily transferred from one pallet to another by…

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RollerForks® load Containers ‘Lean and Green’

RollerForks® load containers ‘Lean And Green’ PBS Food BV specializes in – amongst other things – the packaging and storage of dairy products in powder form, including powdered milk and…

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Blue Line Foodservice users RollerForks for palletless handling

Blue Line Foodservice users RollerForks for palletless handling Blue Line Foodservice is a nationwide U.S. food distributor, restaurant equipment and restaurant supply provider. With over 35 years experience, Blue Line…

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Private: Load push attachment for Dutch company Jaczon

Load push attachment for Dutch company Jaczon Looking out of the office, which is largely made of glass, you can see forklift trucks come and go. They may, for example,…

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ADS Logistic Services USA handling slip sheeted glassware

ADS Logistic Services prides itself on servicing some of the largest retailers in the United States and the company has been ranked as one of the Top 100 3pl providers in…

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Swartberg’s peanuts unloaded with RollerForks®

Swartberg Levensmiddelen Fabrieken BV is a medium-sized, family-run business that specializes in producing nuts and derivative products. For many years now, Swartberg has been operating in the international nut sector and…

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Sesaco says “open sesame”…and ROLLERFORKS® increased their profitability!

Sesaco is an acronym for Sesame Coordinators. Established in 1978, the company has worked in all phases of commercialization of sesame to include plant research, variety development, planting, cultivating, irrigating,…

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Pharmaceutical Laboratory implements RollerForks for its trans-pallet operations

Pharmaceutical laboratory implements rollerforks for its trans pallet operations. Roemmers laboratory is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in Argentinia. When they had to choose a pallet handling system, they…

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