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case studies

Our case studies

Euro-Pallet Handling
KOOI® ReachForks
One-Sided (un)loading

New Hydraulic Crane Jib

Crane jibs can be used to move non-palletized goods and other loads. Jibs come in a wide range of sizes and capacities but not all of them can be telescopically…

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More volume thanks to SeaCell & RollerForks

GE SeaCo is the world’s largest container lessor, with a fleet of almost 1 million TEU (Twenty feet Equivalent Unit), and offers the widest range of container equipment in the…

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It all works like clockwork – even without pallets!

Venlo, the Netherlands – The groundbreaking Rollerforks® save space, money and time for Teijin Kasei Europe. The palletless handling of flexible intermediate containers, or FIBCs, has become the most natural…

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Easier way to unload containers for Eimskip

Eimskip was the first shipping line in Iceland but through the years it has evolved from being a shipping line to a total transportation and logistics company. Eimskip operates in…

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Dubai’s sugar on RollerForks

Al Khaleej Sugar a standalone refinery, located in Dubai (United Arab Emirates), knows how sweet success can be. Started in 1995, it was the very first sugar refinery to be…

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Declave: RollerForks® are fast, simple and reliable!

Delcave has purchased Rollerforks for unloading their containers fast and easily because of an increasing stream of goods that are being transported in containers. A good choice because it saves…

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Nukorc and RollerForks®

NuKorc in Australia manufacture high technology synthetic wine closures and sell them in all wine growing regions of the world. Until recently, NuKorc had been sending these products packaged in…

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Stuffing and stripping containers

Stuffing and stripping containers exerts a physical toll. Complaints can lead to health injuries and illness. Overexertion is caused by lifting, pushing, pulling, performing repetitive movements and assuming bad posture.…

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Palletless shipping at Store-All Warehousing

Store-All Warehousing Ltd was founded in 1993 to provide customized storage for the regional manufacturing industry. Nowadays, the company is one of the largest in the country with over 400,000…

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