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case studies

Our case studies

Euro-Pallet Handling
KOOI® ReachForks
One-Sided (un)loading

Oversized loads no problem with Combilift and KOOI-Reachforks®

Oversized loads no problem with combilift and KOOI® ReachForks Combilift Ltd is the world’s leading supplier of 4-way handling solutions, and has over 9,500 units operating in 50 countries around…

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Lindbäck Bouw improves warehouse storage and warehouse safety

The same family from Lindbäck (Sweden) has been at the helm of Lindbäck Bouw – manufacturer of Swedish housing systems – for four generations. It was founded in 1924 by…

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The Implementation of the REACH legislation – MSE-Forks

REACH is a new European Community Regulation on chemicals and their safe use (EC 1907/2006) .It deals with the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemical substances. The new legislation came into force on…

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Geodis Logistics keeps all options open

by Theo Egberts Geodis Logistics, based in Venlo (NL), opened a new warehousing facility this year. The logistics provider opted for the most flexible layout and method of operations possible,…

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Harrells Fertilizer improved their warehouse storage and warehouse safety

Harrells Fertilizer, formerly WILBRO Fertilizer, is a long time user of the KOOI-ReachForks. In the mid 90’s WILBRO came to Southland Equipment Service, Inc. with a storage problem and looking…

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ISOVER saved 35% on their internal transport costs

Switching to KOOI-ReachForks saved Isover around 35% on their internal transport costs. Their trucks can now pick up four pallets at once instead of just two. That doesn’t just cut…

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Forklift truck manufacturer Terra Group & KOOI-ReachForks®

The TERRA group, Austria, has three strategic business sectors: construction machinery, materials handling and the production and development of side loaders and all-terrain loaders. More than 80 people are employed…

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Vertis improves storage density by implementing double-deep storage

Vertis Communications is a premier provider of targeted advertising and marketing solutions to America’s leading retail and consumer services companies. By providing proprietary research, digital program management systems, data-driven targeting…

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Komatsu helps Callenbach out of “tight jacket”

The storage room of binder Callenbach from Nijkerk in The Netherlands had been too tight for some time. The arrival of another 400 extra pallets coming from a new client…

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